Get Your Income Pasif / Kongsi File Dan Dapat Income Pasif
There are a lot of ways to generate decent income on Internet. You can start your own blog/websites, sell your articles, provide services like SEO, do affiliate marketing, email marketing, blogging, become an SEO Consultant, editor, reviewer and do a lot of many things to generate happy earning from this virtual world. In this way, Hosting your Files and Sharing them is one of the popular as well as powerful ways. There are many websites available on Internet world where you can upload your files for free, get the public links and share them with world. You will get paid either from PPD (Pay-Per-Download) Program, PPS (Pay-Per-Sale) or by PPC (Pay-Per-Click) or from both. Here, I am telling you Top 5 Best File Hosting & Sharing Websites which are very popular, trusted and have highest paying scheme. Have a look ! 1. DocStoc.COM Docstoc is one of the best file sharing websites which let you to upload documents of doc, xls, ppt, pdf, rtf,...